Health Check, Consultation
What is included in the health check?
For the first time, the patient coming to us undergoes a musculoskeletal health check. Our therapist examines the patient after taking a detailed anamnesis. According to the nature of the pain, it distinguishes the symptoms with musculoskeletal tests, motion tests and establishes a musculoskeletal diagnosis, on which the further therapy is based. In clinical reasoning and examination, the therapist is assisted by the methodology of manual therapy. During the examination, the cause of the pain is searched to achieve healing by eliminating it. During the health check, our therapist also starts the treatment, so that the pain relief and the attenuation of symptoms begin immediately, the patient feel better already after the first time. Based on the treatment concept of the Movement Clinic, the therapist describes the treatment plan in which the patient’s therapeutic goal, such as pain relief or mobility, re-enacting sports is also included. For this reason the therapy is individual and patient-oriented. The concept of the Motion Pyramid helps the patient to recognize his symptoms and to determine recovery levels. The therapist advises the patient to make the daily movements as easy as possible for him/her.
In our private practice we help the patients coming to us, at a high professional level with professional therapies.